We will be sending home three report cards this year. (Middle school students will not get progress reports in October. Instead, we are sending home an initial report card. When calculating final grades in June, teachers will take student growth into consideration.)
The first report card will go out just before parent teacher conferences in November. (Our teachers have voted to have the first conference day on November 10 from 12:30 to 7:30. This is different information than that posted on other DOE calendars.) This report card will provide baseline data and will provide a foundation for conversations about student learning during conferences. We can also use this first report card to set goals for students so that we can work together to to better support student learning.
The second report card will go out in March just before our spring parent teacher conferences. The final report card will go home at the end of the school year.
We believe that by sending home three reports of progress, parents and students will have a clearer sense of student learning in relation to the Common Core standards. As always, if you have any questions about your child's learning, you should reach out to the teachers.
Strong communication is bi-directional. We want to communicate with you and we value your thoughts and feedback. It is my hope that increasing the number of report cards to parents is responsive to your concerns. By working together, we make our school stronger and provide a better learning experience for our children.